Tuesday, September 25, 2007
DeathNote II - Discussion Comments
A wonderful movie...
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A repeat visitor...
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Guess the speaker?
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Difference of opinions...
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Going crazy?
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Thursday, September 20, 2007
Death Note II Discussion Questions
1. What are both "L" and Light's definition of justice?
Which one do you prefer?
2. Why doesn't Misa kill Light's sister?
3. If you got a 'death note' someday in the future, what would
you do about it?
4. How does Light kill all the FBI members?
5. If Soichiro used the Death Note he wouldn't go to either
Heaven or Hell after he died, so why did he still use it?
6. As human beings are never perfect, our laws will never be
perfect enough either. In this situation do you think we need an
'angel of death' who can perfectly judge the world? Why?
Feel free to leave a comment giving your opinion.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
PIFS Sub-committee Recruitment
We are recruiting members for sub-committees.
Wanna have a first taste of featured movies, share your passion with the audience in a relaxed venue, gain experience in organizing movie screenings as well as making new friends?
If yes, please don’t hesitate to send e-mail us at: ecfilm@inet.polyu.edu.hk and leave your Name, Student ID, email & phone number. We would be pleased to contact you for an interview. We are looking forward to you joining our PIFS family!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Death Note

Audience getting ready for PIFS first screening.
Sound Bites from the Discussion Session.
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This person wonders about the limits of law.
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How does this person feel about the movie? What does she think of 'L'?
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What does this person think of the film and the director?
The next installment of Death Note is on Thursday 20 September. Watch this space for more details.