1. Do you think those people in heaven that are not dead will be happy when they return to the real world? Why?
2. What do you think is the reason why Shoko (the piano player) cannot play and Takimoto (her lover) cannot make the fireworks anymore?
3. If you have a chance to go to a bookstore in heaven just like the one in the movie, would you like to go? Why?
Please feel free to share your views with others about the movie. Post a comment!

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Thanks to Liam and the PIFS team for putting on another great screening!
Yes, sorry I wasn't there, the film sounded good. There seems to be qute a lot of books recently in a similar vein - things like "The Five People you meet in Heaven" (Mitch Albon). A film I really liked with somewhat similar theme was "Sixth Sense" - a film that is really good to watch a second time (after you know the twist) so you can spot the clues that are there.
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